Crawford Young
Italian or French? Two worlds in medieval music and why the differences are important
An outline of the basic principles relating to all the artists of vocal and instrumental music of the 14th / 15th century. Two cultures with the surviving musical manuscripts of Gothic / humanistic Europe that helped define the music of the other. Selected works: Guillaume de Machaut (ballades, including De toutes flours); Francesco Landini (ballads. Including Adiu adiu dous dame); Johannes Ciconia (ballads, madrigals); Guillaume Dufay (rondeaux); MS Florence 229 (various).
Technique, style and interpretation of medieval music in general and music concerning the theme of the Course.
CANTO – Patrizia Bovi (assistant Mauro Borgioni)
HIGH CHAPEL (cennamella, bombarda, trumpet, trombone) – Ian Harrison
ARPA (medieval and with harpoons) –Seah Stuttard
LIQUEUR AND MEDIEVAL PLEASURES (Europe and Middle East) – Peppe Frana
WIRE INSTRUMENTS (flutes, flute and drum, double flute, bagpipe) – Goffredo Degli Esposti
GHIRONDA (historical and traditional) AND SYMPHONIA – Giordano Ceccotti
HISTORICAL DANCES – Veronique Daniels
Duration 4 hours each, divided into 3 parts.
There are more laboratories at the same time and they are divided: for difficulty, beginners and advanced; by sectors (Vocal and Instrumental or both)

What a beautiful choir!
Choral singing (P) with Enea Sorini
Everyone on the hunt!
The medieval hunts for singers and instrumentalists (A) with Patrizia Bovi, Mauro Borgioni and Gabriele Russo
Medieval ecstasy
Sound and rhythm, from Gregorian chant to pre-polyphony (A) with Mauro Borgioni
Lie on the Tenor
Sound and rhythm for the polyphony (P) singers and instrumentalists, with Mauro Borgioni and Gabriele Russo
A dance of sonar began softly
The fourteenth century printers (A) with Peppe Frana and Leah Stuttard
Imagine music
Musical reconstructions from medieval iconography, for singers and instrumentalists (P and A) with Goffredo Degli EspostiSai improvise on medieval ways?
Medieval improvisation for singers and instrumentalists (P and A) with Peppe Frana and Patrizia Bovi
To play dancing
for singers and instrumentalists and dancers (P and A) with Placida Staro
Movement as a forming of sound. With the use of different types of folk tradition dance, the metric-rhythmic stereotypes of the processional forms are experimented which are then translated on the instrument. In this way an approach to written sources is filtered by the use of a gestural competence in search of the sound suitable to move and move used by tradition.
29 July-3 August 2019
Organized by the Micrologus Music Association and the European Medieval Music Study Center Adolfo Broegg, it has the title:
“Hunting for a taste” – The fourteenth-century hunts and Italian music
The main theme will be the polyphony of the hunts, including those recently discovered, and the Italian music of the fourteenth century (ballads, madrigals and instrumental dance music).
On this occasion the book by Michele Epifani will be presented: The hunt in the Italian Ars Nova. Critical and commented edition of texts and intonations (Florence, Edizioni del Galluzzo), with a conference by the author.
Furthermore, there are 2 special dance courses: HISTORICAL DANCES with Veronique Daniels and TRADITIONAL ITALIAN DANCES with Placida Staro.
The International Medieval Music Course is as follows:
MORNING (9.00 – 13.00)
AFTERNOON (3.00 pm-7.50 pm)
Workshops (including Traditional Italian Dances), Conferences.
The course includes a final Essay-Show that will be replicated at the Medieval Festival of Gubbio (end of September 2019).
Repetita iuvant… cum Magistro
Individual coaching for singers and instrumentalists (A) who have prepared a song and want coaching. With Crawford Young
Pifferi, trumpets and drums: but where do they go?
Music for medieval processions (P and A) with Ian Harrison, Goffredo Degli Esposti, Enea Sorini and Gabriele Russo
Make it with measurements
Improvisation on the Tenors of the “400 (A) bassedanze with Crawford Young and Leah Stuttard